
Powerful user friendly platform

Our software has been developed with the needs of the people doing the job and managing the information. The intuitive software provides the user, in the field, a easy, robust and repeatable safety audit process without the problems of paper. Large volumes of data can be presented electronically and accessed when required.

Integration into other databases/ERP systems is achievable.

We recommend the Motion Computing F5 or CL910 series of tablets or units of similar specification can be utilised.

The SafetyStatus Software is made up of 3 modules.

  • SafetyStatus Site Manager  
  • SafetyStatus Mobile
  • SafetyStatus Analysis

SafetyStatus Site Manager is a tool designed to edit the data within SafetyStatus Mobile. Develop all your safety audits and inspections for any application. Full version control and report development. Manage user access to specific audits and inspections. Very simple to use and able to store large volumes of data securely.

SafetyStatus Mobile is designed to operate on Windows 2003 and up software on a Tablet PC. This software is an electronic audit/inspection sheet which adds amazing functions and information back to the Inspector relating to the tasks they are required to carry out.

This software is designed to maintain the process and to document all the events and findings throughout the process.

Key features being the Findings Management and Condition Monitoring data collection ability which provides the inspector powerful decision making information, in the field.

The software has been designed by people that have done the job and know what is required to carry out effective inspections and audits in critical areas of operation.

SafetyStatus Analysis the reporting system.

This powerful analysis software provides middle management the tools to make effective decisions on the safety status of the operation. Management of the issues identified and condition monitoring results is a key feature which provides the team critical information as soon as the audit or inspection is completed.

No more paper work to handle and control.

The Analysis software also manages the scheduled audits due for completion as well providing live status of current audits in progress.

Improving turnaround times can be managed more effectively through easy analysis of the times taken to do particular tasks, stages and zones for each audit. Focused efforts can be applied to specific areas of the audit to reduce time and then be reassessed using the data collected through the software.

The new software provides even greater results for the overall inspection/audit process. Eliminating waste in the paper flow and decision making processes.

Contact us now to find out more about the SafetyStatus Software System.

Below are some impressive videos on the suggested hardware with which our software solution can be applied. 

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